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SoS Positions 

Executive Committee Roles

01. President

  1. Maintain a full working knowledge of the Associations Incorporation & Rules.

  2. Act as overall leader of SOS DIGITAL SUPPORT and with the Committee be responsible for the Associations administration, development, and continuity.

  3. Regularly review plans, goals and objectives, and work with the committee to monitor progress.

  4. Maintain a working knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the Executive and Portfolios and support the Office Bearers and all Portfolio holders to deliver their component of the strategic plan.

  5. Convene and Chair the Annual Meetings, Special General Meetings and Monthly meetings.

  6. Manage and facilitate effective Committee of Management meetings, including an annual committee work plan. Provide a written report to every committee meeting.

  7. Provide a written Annual Report to the AGM. Provide input into reports and procedures for Special General Meetings.

  8. Represent the views of the club and its members to outside interests (except where delegated).

  9. Responsible for managing the Disciplinary action of the Committee of Management and the Grievance procedure as required by the Rules.

02. Vice President

  1. It is the role of the Vice President to work closely and collaboratively with the President.

  2. The Vice President will usually take over the role of President when required.

  3. With the President be responsible for the Associations administration, development, and continuity.

  4. Assist the President and regularly review plans, goals and objectives, and work with the committee to monitor progress.

  5. Ensures they have a working knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of the Executive and Portfolios and support the Office Bearers and all Portfolio holders to deliver their component of the strategic plan.

03. Secretary

  1. The Secretary is a member of the Committee of Management and the Executive, being the Public Officer of the Association.

  2. The Secretary maintains a full working knowledge of the Association’s Incorporation & Rules.

  3. Communicates with Consumer Affairs NSW, Department of Justice where required, and gives notice to the Registrar of any incumbent changes to the Secretary role as per election or appointment.

  4. The Secretary works with the Treasurer on the Annual Statement. The final figures (Annual Statement) to be tabled at a Committee Meeting and once authorised lodge with Consumer Affairs, as required by the Act.

  5. Lists all Incoming Correspondence and official Outgoing Correspondence from the Committee of Management. List to be tabled at Committee Meetings.

  6. Represents SOS DIGITAL SUPPORT committee at meetings as required.

  7. Oversee Nominations and Proxy notifications.

  8. Provide Notices and any other supporting documents to members, within legal time frames, regarding official meetings.


  1. The keeping of Minutes may be delegated to a Minute Secretary.

  2. The safe keeping of hard copy records may be delegated to the Documentation and Website Officer.

  3. Responsibility for the membership records of the Association. The preparation and maintenance of the membership records may be delegated to the Membership Officer.

04. Treasurer

  1. Receive all monies, bank funds, authorise payments of accounts, act as signatory on all bank accounts. Access bank statements via internet, monitor Term Deposits, record all monies received & funds paid out.

  2. Prepare monthly reports for Committee, including Profit / Loss and cash movement.

  3. Maintain membership records including receipts and banking of fees.

  4. Draft budget for final approval before the AGM, in conjunction with Committee.

  5. Ensure all expenditure over $100 is approved by the Committee and minuted.

  6. Expenditure under $100 can be approved by a member of the Executive plus one other committee member (2 people) between meetings. This must be recorded at the following Committee meeting.

  7. Assist with Grants, providing financial and insurance details where required.

  8. Ensure that Licences/Insurance/ and assorted others are all current.

  9. Support Office/Membership Manager & Committee Members as required.

  10. Consider/advise on Membership Fees.

  11. Where required, the Treasurer may attend/provide information to sub-committees.

  12. Responsible for selecting, keeping up to date and current, all policies that the Committee see necessary to protect the members and assets of SOS DIGITAL SUPPORT.

Vice President

Non-Executive Committee Roles

Minutes Secretary

05. Minutes Secretary

  1. Position reports to the Secretary.

  2. Record Minutes of committee meetings, including Motions and actions.

  3. Develop Minutes of AGM and maintain records.

  4. Send draft copies of Minutes to President for approval, prior to circulation.

  5. Modify drafts as appropriate.

  6. Email Minutes and collated, attached reports to the president, following the monthly meeting.

  7. Minutes and reports to be printed out and kept as hard copies in Club Folder.

06. Membership Officer

  1. Obtain reports from Aged Care and Local Council Statistics that will assist in developing strategies that will increase membership figures year on year.

  2. Provide reports to the Committee of Management on membership statistics every month.

  3. Develop list of new members for committee approval and provide to the Secretary and Website Office by the SoS deadline every month to be included in a welcome message and in monthly newsletter.

  4. Maintain the Membership Database (on Wix) and ensure that any issues with regards to it are resolved.

  5. Record database issues as they arise and report to committee meetings as required.

  6. Ensure the integrity of the SoS data, manage the configuration of the system, and run reports where required to ensure it is running smoothly.

  7. From time-to-time review membership systems and recommend changes where appropriate.

  8. Carry out roll over procedures each year, ensuring that all data has been entered correctly onto SoS before rolling over the system at the end of year.

  9. Ensure that SoS is backed up regularly and resolve issues in a timely manner.

07. Equipment Officer

  1. Ensure that each device undergoes a full reset it to its original factory settings between loans.

  2. Update all devices with the latest software updates.

  3. Reset all devices to the Digital Device requirements as outlined in the Loan Schedule.

  4. Arrange an annual inspection and safety check of equipment.

  5. Report any risks to the President immediately.

08. Loan Officer

  1. Maintain an equipment inventory (Assets Register) and report details at the monthly meetings.

  2. Monitor loan contracts and arrange for collection by due dates.

  3. Arrange for collection of all equipment and ensure that it is all present and log any damages against the equipment inventory (Assets Register).

  4. Clean all devices and pass onto the Equipment Officer for resetting.

  5. Collect device from equipment officer, when ready and ensure that it is fully charged and available for re-loaning.

  6. Update Loan Library inventory when device is ready for re-loaning.

  7. Advises mentors and volunteers about the equipment.

  8. Advise the committee about replacement needs.

  9. Request quotes for purchase of new equipment.

09. Technology Officer

  1. Convene Mentor Support Team monthly meetings to:

    a.  plan and review the delivery of Learning About Your Technology regular and one-off sessions.

    b.  advise the Committee of management re: technology grant applications and purchases.

    c.  Assist Committee of Management members, Mentors and Working Group members with the use of technology.

    d.  assist SoS members gain required skills.

  2. Convene Online Support Team meetings as required to:

    a.   setup, manage and assist members to use SoS Digital Support’s online services:

         * the WiFi Network

         * sharing and accessing Google Cloud storage 

         * using

         * access and upload documents to Google Docs

         * assist SoS members gain online and network management skills

         * report regularly to SoS Committee re: the above matters.

10. Social Media Marketing (to be updated)

  1. Share newsletter onto FB page.

  2. Create upcoming events on FB page and link to Website events.

11. Marketing Manager

  1. Work together with local contacts to build suitable networks that will assist in the development of SoS Digital Support.  

  2. Maintain a working knowledge of the future directions and plans of the Aged Care Networks, Councils and Libraries.

  3. Represent SoS Digital Support at all local NFP organisations, Chambers, Care Organisations and any other meetings as negotiated with the Committee.

  4. Report back to the Committee of Management on each meeting. Where work is to be completed before the next Committee meeting, the Marketing Manager will collaborate with appropriate members to undertake the work.

  5. These networks will provide information and resources to assist other Mentors and Volunteers with their roles.

  6. Ensure that all contacts are documented, so that when a new incumbent comes into the role, they can continue to build on these SoS contacts.

  7. Request feedback and photos from the mentors and volunteers at workshops.

  8. Collect items for local newspapers and website blogs (in Editor’s tray by 12 noon; by email by 5pm; deadline of 3rd Monday in the month).

  9. Create blogs for the website and link to monthly newsletter.

  10. Seek final approval from the President.

  11. Produce monthly newsletter via Wix.

  12. Seek final approval from the Committee.

  13. Convert finished Newsletter into PDF.

  14. Add PDF file to the website Newsletter page.

  15. Create upcoming events on Website and notify Social Media Manager.

  16. Distribute bulk emails.

  17. Email Advertising:
    * News Media.
    * Commercial Groups–within our age bracket.
    * Council Groups – within our age bracket.

  18. Delegations:

    1. Represent SoS Digital Support at all local NFP organisations, Chambers, Care Organisations and any other meetings as negotiated with the Committee.

    2. Request feedback and photos from the mentors and volunteers at workshops.

    3. Collect items for local newspapers and website blogs

12. Systems & Filing Manager

  1. Recommend to the Committee improvements in the management of the systems, materials used, and maintenance of record security.

  2. Ensure the usefulness of the filing system, including annual culling of outdated or replaced documents and other materials.

  3. Monitor SHARED documents on Google Docs.

  4. Provide support for social activities of the association.

  5. Maintain and replenish all necessary stationary supplies and advise on the quality and cost of such materials; maintain necessary supply of current forms used by members to manage their activities in SoS Digital Support.

  6. Supervise and instruct volunteers.

  7. Produce Volunteer Roster.

  8. Work with Database Manager to oversee enrolment.

  9. Maintain attendance lists and update them after each workshop.

  10. Enter members (walk in) on to database.

  11. Produce name badges.

13. Events Coordinator

  1. Maintain a working knowledge of the future directions and plans of SoS Digital Support and its committee, mentors, volunteers and members.

  2. Arrange SoS Digital Support special occasions involving members, mentors, volunteers, and committee members, such as celebrations and end of year parties, etc. as required by the Committee.

  3. Liaise with Bega Valley Shire Council and Bega Library for Seniors Festival activities and publicise.

  4. Disseminate SoS Programs to Local Libraries and Bega Council.

  5. Develop, promote, obtain approval, and arrange new workshops, activities, and presentations.

  6. Respond to members and public enquiries re workshops and activities and attract involvement from members in running new activities and short courses.

  7. Support and communicate with Volunteers/Mentors to run or assist at workshops.

  8. Develop Themes, Agendas, Minutes and sessions for the meeting. Liaise with Committee.

  9. Maintain records of courses and activities.

  10. Organise, maintain, update and advertise workshops. Inform The Local Libraries of changes for Classes.

  11. Produce monthly reports to for the Committee.

  12. Attend and report to Committee meetings, AGM.

  13. Work with Secretary to arrange and oversee Membership Day each year and respond to members and public enquiries re workshops and activities.

  14. Contact off-site mentors/volunteers once per term.

  15. At end of Term 3 produce questionnaire for each mentor/volunteer to ascertain whether will continue next year etc.

  16. Markets or other appropriate venues.

  17. Mentors and Volunteers Lunch June.

  18. Coordinate Seniors Festival February.

  19. Coordinate Christmas Lunch.


  1. Organise Catering: Tea/Coffee/Biscuits/sugar/milk, catering for events.

  2. Distribute Brochures and Programs to Council Offices, Retirement Villages, and notice boards.

14. Volunteer Coordinator (to be updated)

  1. Ensure the following have been completed:
    * Police Check
    * Registered with Be Connected
    * The “Digital Skills Checker – Getting Started” on Be Connected website.
    * Membership application and approved by committee.

15. Mentor Coordinator (to be updated)

  1. Ensure the following have been completed:
    * Mentor Training
    * Police Check
    * Registered with Be Connected
    * The “Digital Skills Checker – Getting Started” on Be Connected website.
    * Membership application and approved by committee.

16. Documentation & Web Maintenance

  1. Maintain SoS Website and update pages as required.

  2. Develop Policies, Procedures and Processes etc as requested by the President and add to website.

  3. Work with President to ensure that the Document Review Schedule meets the needs of SoS Digital Support and make changes where appropriate.

  4. Review and develop work manuals and documents according to the Document Review Schedule ensuring they are proofread, approved, and authorised by President, prior to uploading documents to the website.

  5. Assist in maintaining the SoS Digital Support Website, ensuring documents that have Committee approval are uploaded in a timely manner.

  6. Check auto emails are up to date and relevant.

17. Grants Officer

  1. Seek opportunities to apply for grants for equipment and programs for SoS Digital Support.

  2. To liaise with the Treasurer and/or appropriate committee members.

  3. Manage grants that may be available to SoS Digital Support Inc. involving other Committee members as appropriate. This includes recording the submission of the application, managing the process of using the grant and reporting, as required, to the granting body.

  4. Payments from grant monies must be authorised by the Committee.

18. Safety Officer (to be updated)

  1. Do a risk analysis for each lactation and event.

  2. Develop plans or procedures to resolve the identified issues.

  3. Recommend corrective actions to reduce hazards.

  4. Address any additional health and safety issues.

  5. Development and implementation of programs to protect the volunteers' and mentors' safety and health.

  6. ​

19. Working Groups (to be updated)

  1. Subcommittees or Working Groups are from time to time established to strengthen the work being undertaken by your Executive Committee. Members who have skills or an interest in these groups are actively sought to contribute in ways that suit them.

  2. These groups report to an Executive Committee member and notes/Minutes if appropriate are kept of any meetings held. Examples of Working Groups include:
    Well, Being Team (WBT);
    Course Coordination Team (CCT)
    Online Services Team (OST);
    Technical Services Team (TST);
    Catering Team (CT);
    Administration Team (AT).

  3. A Sub-Committee or Working Group has a written purpose, developed by the Executive Committee, that helps guide the work of the group. They do not make decisions, but rather make recommendations to, the Executive Committee, through their Working Group Leader. Once recommendations are authorised by Executive Committee, the working group may then be charged with implementing the authorised process or project.

Membeship Officer
Equipment Officer
Technology Officer
Social Media Marketing
Marketing Manager
Loan Officer
Systems & Filing Manager
Events Coordinator
Volunteer Coordinator
Mentor Coordinator
Document & Web Maintenance
Grants Officer
Safety Officer
Working Groups
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